"Empowering the Leaders of Tomorrow:

Our vision is to create a world where every student is nurtured and empowered to reach their full potential. Through holistic development programs and unwavering support, we aim to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are confident, compassionate, and equipped with the skills to lead and inspire positive change in their communities and beyond."


"Our Mission: To empower and transform the lives of students through holistic development initiatives. We are dedicated to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. By offering personalized guidance, comprehensive learning experiences, and fostering a sense of community, we aim to equip students with the skills, values, and mind-set needed to succeed in their academic pursuits and lead fulfilling lives."


"Our Philosophy: At AROHAN FOUNDATION, we firmly believe that every student has the potential for greatness within them. We are dedicated to fostering holistic development by nurturing not only their academic growth but also their emotional, social, and personal well-being. Our approach is grounded in the understanding that education extends far beyond textbooks and classrooms.


We value each student as a unique individual, recognizing their diverse talents, interests, and challenges. By creating a safe, inclusive, and inspiring environment, we strive to ignite their curiosity, creativity, and passion for lifelong learning.

Through personalized guidance and mentorship, we aim to empower students to discover their strengths, overcome obstacles, and cultivate essential life skills. We encourage a growth mind-set, emphasizing the importance of resilience, perseverance, and empathy.

About Us

A Robust Organization For Helpless and Neglected

Established on Gandhi Jayanti, 02 October 2017, Arohan Foundation is a passionate non-profit organization registered on 20 April 2018 under the Society Act 1860. As one of the largest youth volunteer organizations in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, we bridge the gap between the educated and the underprivileged, empowering the youth to serve society. Our volunteers educate and mentor children from slums and villages, creating a brighter future for them and our nation. Together, we strive to build a stronger and more inclusive India, fostering compassionate and responsible leaders for tomorrow.

Our Impact Education Health Financial Literacy Facility Improvement Events

Slum Families
10 +
70 +
900 +
15 +